The Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) is the system through which the trade community reports imports and exports and the government determines admissibility. Through ACE, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) applies expertise, technology, and automation to create streamlined and efficient processes to facilitate the global exchange of safe and legitimate goods.
Upcoming ACE Deployments
CBP maintains a notional development and deployment schedule (Dev - Dep schedule) of planned ACE enhancements. Following the deployment of the core ACE processing capabilities, CBP continues to work through a backlog of enhancements to ACE that have emerged from our ongoing dialogue with the trade community, as well as with government and congressional stakeholders, to provide better automated tools and information. The current schedule reflects those enhancements that have been prioritized, funded, and that CBP has begun developing. This is a notional schedule, and it is subject to modifications.
The current version of the Dev - Dep Schedule is available on the ACE Development - Deployment Schedule page.
Completed ACE Deployments (2017-Current)
Enhancement Name and Description | Impacted Users | Deployment Date | Additional Resources |
ACE Collections – Serial Numbered Forms (SNF) User Interface (UI) (INT-006) This development provides a new user interface that allows CBP personnel to monitor, track, and manage SNF pads. The UI will include search and edit features. |
CBP | December 14, 2024 | - |
ACE Reports: New Mandatory Prompt for Company ACE ID This update will add a prompt in ACE Reports to identify the subject company whenever a report is run or scheduled in ACE Reports. This will enable CBP to restore the ability for trade users with access to more than one account to schedule reports for delivery by e-mail. ACE Reports data universes will be impacted on different dates. |
Trade | December 14, 2024 | - |
ACE Reports: Enhancement of Automated Export System (AES) Universe to Replace Trade Export Data Universe This enhancement will replace the Trade Export Data universe with the Automated Export Systems (AES) data universe in ACE Reports. |
CBP Trade PGA |
December 4, 2024 | - |
Apply Aluminum 232 Duty to Russian Smelt or Cast — Phase 3 The Section 232 trade remedy on aluminum requires a new declaration for aluminum smelt or cast in Russia. This phase includes updates to the ACE Entry Summary user interface (UI) create/edit functionality for non-Automated Broker Interface (ABI) entry summaries. |
CBP | November 21, 2024 | - |
Steel Melt and Pour - Country Reporting – Phases 1 and 2 (CBP-187) This enhancement supports the proposed amendment to the Entry Summary (CBP Form 7501) published in the Federal Register to add the steel melt and pour field to CBP Form 7501. This enhancement is based off a signed “Presidential Proclamation on Adjusting Imports of Steel Into the United States.” Phase 1 – This phase included updates to the associated EDI functionality. Phase 2 – This phase included updates to the associated mass entry processing functionality available to CBP users in the ACE Entry Summary user interface. |
CBP Trade |
Phase 1 and 2: November 21, 2024 | CSMS # 62790645 |
ACE Collections – Unarchive Collection Request via User Interface (UI) INT-030 This enhancement enables authorized users to unarchive a previous collection for the purpose of making an adjustment, using that collection. |
CBP | October 26, 2024 | - |
Mass Processing – Mass Revert (INT-013) This enhancement enables CBP users to simultaneously update multiple entry summaries to a specific past version or the most recent version. |
CBP | October 24, 2024 | - |
Electronic Export Manifest Air In-bond Processing (CBP-126) This enhancement improves the air in-bond process by allowing the Automated Export System (AES) to link in-bonds with ACE Multi Modal Manifest (MMM). MMM will accept new messages from AES that will perform in-bond arrival/export/cancel requests for Air Carriers. |
CBP Trade | October 8, 2024 | - |
Liquidation Record Updates in the Entry Summary User Interface This enhancement updated the Liquidation record of the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Entry Summary application to provide users with a complete and accurate audit trail for all liquidation record actions on an entry summary. |
CBP | October 5, 2024 | - |
Free and Secure Trade (FAST) Shipper & Consignee Modernization (INT-010) This enhancement updated the ACE Manifest user interface to add the search option “Search Shipper/Consignee” and a feature to add shippers and consignees. It also added the ability to convert historical data that does not have FAST information on Carrier, Consignee, Org Broker and Shipper accounts. |
CBP | October 5, 2024 | - |
ACE Collections – Requested Updates for Lockbox Payments INT-004 This feature updates the Lockbox payment posting logic for overpayments and underpayments of bills. |
CBP | October 5, 2024 | - |
ACE Collections – Treasury Forfeiture Fund Refunds Accounting (CBP-140) This enhancement provides the necessary logic to properly post seized refunds upon the transition from the CBP Treasury Forfeiture Fund accounting workload to the Treasury's Administrative Resource Center (ARC) service provider on October 1, 2024. |
CBP | October 1, 2024 | - |
Document Image System (DIS) Vehicle Export Document Submission via EDI This enhancement enables DIS to accept vehicle export documents via EDI. The request assists in automating and streamlining processes allowing CBP to electronically review, target, and respond to the submissions. |
CBP Trade | September 28, 2024 | Trade Information Notice |
Safeguard to Prevent Using Post Summary Correction (PSC) to Change a Non-Quota Entry to a Quota Entry (CBP-139) This update created a safeguard in ACE to prevent PSC’s from being used to change a non‐quota entry to a quota entry. Protect duties due the U.S. Gov., and enforce quota regulation, Free Trade Agreements, Presidential Proclamations, and Federal Register Notices. |
CBP Trade | September 26, 2024 | CSMS # 62393113 |
Updates to ACE Drawback Module for Petroleum Superfund Taxes This enhancement provides a new class code (CC) and enhances the ACE drawback module to allow for drawback of Petroleum Superfund taxes. |
CBP Trade | September 17, 2024 | CSMS # 62296398 |
Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) User Interface (UI) for Census Bureau New user interface that allows PGA/Census users the ability to update import parameters. In addition to the single edit function that allows users to update parameters for a single HTS number, the UI also includes a batch edit feature that will allow users to update parameters for multiple HTS numbers. |
Phase 1: August 27, 2024 Phase 2: September 13, 2024 |
PGA Message |
New Indicator for Retail Sales Drawback Claims This enhancement adds a new indicator for filers to use to inform CBP whether they are filing a substitution or direct identification retail return drawback claim. |
CBP Trade | August 20, 2024 | CSMS # 61706962 |
Implementation of Accelerated Payment for USMCA Drawback Claims This enhancement restores the ability to file accelerated payment for USMCA drawback claims. |
CBP Trade | August 20, 2024 | CSMS # 61693769 |
Automated Enforcement of Entry Type 86 Filing Deadline This update enforces the requirement to file Entry Type 86 before or upon arrival of the associated cargo. |
Trade | August 17, 2024 | CSMS # 61668562 |
ACE Validation of FIRMS Codes for In-bond Arrivals, Excluding Air Mode of Transportation (MOT) This enhancement, for non-air modes of transportation, enforces existing requirements that brokers/filers provide a valid FIRMS code when arriving an in-bond. |
CBP Trade | August 10, 2024 | Trade Information Notice (FIRMS) |
Addition of Event History in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) User Interface (UI) New history section within the HTS UI to capture all actions performed by users (i.e., record created, updated, deleted, who performed the action and when the action was taken). |
CBP | July 25, 2024 | - |
Removal of Section 201 Tariff Exclusion for Bifacial Solar Panels (CBP-197) In accordance with Proclamation 10779, this update implements in ACE the 90-day Section 201 tariff exclusion for bifacial solar panels. |
Trade | July 2, 2024 | CSMS #61152419 |
Document Image System (DIS) Email Submission Enhancement This enhancement enables CBP to respond to a filer who provides a DIS submission via email. Following a review, CBP is able to notify a filer via email of the status of the document(s) submitted. |
CBP Trade | June 13, 2024 | CSMS # 60950243 |
ACE Portal Modernization - Addition of Periodic Monthly Statement Features This update migrates all ACE Portal Periodic Monthly Statement (PMS) features to the modernized ACE Portal, including the ability to designate participants, activate participants, and schedule upcoming statements. |
CBP Trade |
April 13, 2024 | - |
ACE Reports Upgrade to Business Objects 4.3 This upgrade from Business Objects version 4.2 to 4.3 entailed changes to the user interface. While the upgraded ACE Reports remains accessible via the ACE Portal, this upgrade is separate from the ongoing ACE Portal modernization effort. |
CBP Trade PGA | January 27, 2024 | Trade Information Notice (ACE) |
Update Timing of Entry Type 86 Release Messages (1C) in Air Environment (Non-Express) This enhancement updated Non-Express, Entry Type 86 transmissions in the air environment, to align the messaging with CBP’s window for processing air cargo transactions. 1C release messaging will be sent upon the CBP Officer’s acknowledgement of flight arrival. |
CBP Trade | January 27, 2024 | Trade Information Notice (Entry 86) |
Automation of CBP Form 6051D for Detentions of Cargo Filed in ACE, Including Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) Detentions This enhancement created an automated process for Admissibility Reviews and Exception Requests including automating the completion and issuance of the CBP 6051D and Attachment 2B, providing a public site for the trade to upload documentation and submit for CBP review, and CBP to track, review, and determine the final disposition. |
CBP Trade | January 27, 2024 | Trade Information Notice (Form 6015D) |
Enhancement Name and Description | Impacted Users | Deployment Date | Additional Resources |
ACE Portal Modernization - Blanket Declarations CBP completed the migration of the blanket declarations functionality from the legacy ACE Secure Data Portal (ACE Portal) to the modernized ACE Portal. Going forward, the functionality is available only in the modernized ACE Portal | CBP Trade | December 9, 2023 | ACE Portal Modernization Webpage |
Collections - Release 7 This functionality automates the Budget Clearing Account (BCA) process, enabling improved reconciliation of open receivables and reducing the time required to clear the BCA for CBP personnel. This enhancement also integrates the port collections process into ACE Collections and enables the entry lifecycle to be contained in one system. | CBP Trade | November 4, 2023 | Trade Information Notice - Collections - Release 7 |
Entry Summary Query Updates This enhancement incorporates data elements from Collections and moves the query from Legacy ACE to New ACE. |
CBP Trade | November 4, 2023 | Trade Information Notice - Entry Summary Query Updates |
Immediate Delivery This enhancement implements an Immediate Delivery (ID) enhancement that allows filers to transmit an ID request on an entry and the data populates in ACE Cargo Release and Entry Summary, in line with 19 CFR 141.68(c) | CBP Trade | September 30, 2023 | Trade Information Notice - Immediate Delivery |
ACE Portal Modernization - Phase 4 CBP began gradually deploying Phase 4 of the ACE Portal Modernization in June 2023. Phase 4 changes continue the migration of functionality from the legacy ACE Portal to the modernized platform. This deployment was completed in September 2023. No EDI impacts. | CBP Trade PGA | September 2023 | ACE Portal Modernization Webpage |
Enhancements to ACE Truck Manifest — Phase 4: Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) Integration Pilot This enhancement supports pilot ports with limited testing of Command Center functionality to include the development and integration of additional non -intrusive inspection (NII) capabilities including Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) models for ACE Truck Manifest. | CBP | August 31, 2023 | - |
Enhancements to ACE Truck Manifest — Phase 4: Class of Admission This enhancement allows ACE Truck Manifest to infer Class of Admission (COA) based on travel documents that the Primary Inspection Process (PIP) returns for all crew members and passengers present in the conveyance at crossing. When the COA cannot be inferred by the travel document returned by PIP, the enhancement also allows the officer examining the documents at the border to manually select the COA or create a referral. | CBP | August 29, 2023 | Trade Information Notice - Enhancements to ACE Truck Manifest — Phase 4: Class of Admission |
ACE Currency Exchange This capability allows the implementation of the ACS Currency Exchange Rates program in ACE. It gives CBP and Trade stakeholders clear concise daily exchange rates (“multipliers’) to use in converting invoice values (currency) to US Dollar value for entry summary and other purposes. | CBP Trade | June 10, 2023 | Trade Information Notice - ACE Currency Exchange |
Implement Mass Liquidation Functionality for Entry Type 47 This effort expands ACE functionality, which will allow for the mass liquidation of drawback entries/claims (entry type 47). | CBP | May 23, 2023 | - |
ACE Portal Modernization - Phase 3 This phase migrated Create and Edit functionalities for all basic account data (e.g., account contact and address information) to the modernized ACE Portal. | CBP Trade | May 23, 2023 | ACE Portal Modernization - Phase 3 Website |
Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Go-Live This enhancement migrated the remaining HTS Admin User Interface, HTS Query and Data Conversion. | CBP Trade PGA | May 16, 2023 | CSMS #56290501 |
Apply Aluminum 232 Duty to Russian Smelt or Cast - Phase 1 This development involves the collection of five new data elements via ABI and updates to CBP internal user interfaces. Trade Remedy 232 for Aluminum requires a new declaration for Russian Smelt or Cast. Deployed on April 10, 2023, but did not take effect until May 10, 2023. | CBP Trade | May 10, 2023 | CSMS #55787113 |
UFLPA ACE Enhancement Region Alert The UFLPA Region Alert adds three new validations that are performed when reporting a Chinese Manufacturer (MF) entity on a Cargo Release and for Chinese Manufacturer Identification Code (MID) creation for both trade and CBP users. Postal code is a required field. Users receive an error message if the postal code provided is not a valid Chinese postal code for the Manufacturer (MF) entity on a Cargo Release or upon creation of a Chinese MID. Users receive a warning message when a Uyghur region postal code is provided. This enhancement provides the ability to update an existing MID with a postal code | CBP Trade | March 18, 2023 | Trade Information Notice - UFLPA ACE Enhancement Region Alert |
ACE Portal Modernization - Phase 2 As the second of four phases, this deployment transitions additional ACE Portal capabilities to the modernized ACE Portal. These include updates to the References tab and other ACE application access points, such as: A launch button to the migrated Arrive/Export In-bonds user interface (UI) A link to the ACE Entry Summary UI for PGA users For more information, please visit the ACE Portal Modernization webpage. | CBP Trade PGA | February 21, 2023 | ACE Portal Modernization - Phase 2 Website |
Enhancement Name and Description | Impacted Users | Deployment Date | Additional Resources |
Vessel Entrance and Clearance System (VECS) The VECS process is a complete digitization and automation of the Entrance and Clearance process. VECS allows vessel masters, operators, and agents to submit certain vessel entry and clearance data and requests to CBP electronically, instead of submitting paper forms, as currently required by CBP regulations. | CBP Trade | December 19, 2022 | Trade Information Notice - Vessel Entrance and Clearance System (VECS) |
Customs Broker Modernization This functionality supports the transition to a single, National Permit for all Customs brokers, the elimination of the Customs Broker District Permit Fee Broker Reporting in Organizational Broker Accounts, and additional capabilities for brokers to edit and submit information via the ACE portal. | CBP Trade | December 19, 2022 | Trade Information Notice - Customs Broker Modernization |
Global Business Identifier (GBI) (Cargo Release Only) The GBI Evaluative Proof of Concept (EPoC) test aims to identify a single entity identifier solution. The test will evaluate three global entity identifier numbers and may use one or more to ultimately replace the MID, streamline customs data collection, and improve visibility into the supply chain, which will increase efficiencies in shipment review and clearance. | CBP Trade PGA | December 17, 2022 | Trade Information Notice - Global Business Identifier (GBI) (Cargo Release Only) |
eCERT 2.0 eCERT 2.0 enhances existing Electronic Certification System (eCERT) features by adding validations to verify authorized use of export certificates, automating the decrementing and incrementing of export certificate usage, and enabling users to query export certificate usage. | CBP Trade |
September 24, 2022 | Trade Information Notice - eCERT 2.0 |
Collections Release 6 ACE Collections Release 6 Refunds enhances the refunds management workflow and provides the ability to search, create, and certify/approve refunds. This release includes all refunds (ex. OF Manual refunds, Drawback AP refunds, SEACATS refunds) and the creation of liquidation refunds. The incorporation of Drawback AP refunds brings the full drawback process into the ACE environment. | CBP Trade |
August 27, 2022 | Trade Information Notice - Collections Release 6 |
Vessel Agency Account Type This enhancement allows Vessel Masters, Vessel Agents, and Vessel Operating Common Carriers (VOCCs) to submit data to CBP for the Vessel Entrance and Clearance System (VECS) | CBP Trade |
July 24, 2022 | Trade Information Notice - Vessel Agency Account Type |
Enhancements to ACE Truck Manifest - Phase 2 & 3 These enhancements modernized the ACE Truck manifest user interface for CBP users in an enhanced application known as Truck Manifest Modernization (TMM). | CBP Trade |
July 19, 2022 | CSMS # 52269970 CSMS # 52569053 |
Forms Modernization This enhancement migrates forms CBP forms CBPF28, CBPF29, and CBPF4647 from legacy ACE to the new ACE framework. | CBP Trade |
April 23, 2022 | Trade Information Notice - Forms Modernization |
Collections - Release 5 Debt Management ACE Collections Release 5 Debt Management enhances the debt management workflow, automate manual processing and reporting, and manage/ track debt collections. This release includes an updated write-off business process workflow. The alignment of debt management with billing will better integrate the outstanding collections process. This release includes testing, training, reports, and write-back of collections data to ACS. | CBP Trade PGA |
March 19, 2022 | Trade Information Notice - Collections - Release 5 Debt Management |
ACE Portal Modernization - Phase 1 The modernization effort entails the transition of existing functionality to an upgraded platform, offering easier use and better performance. The ACE Portal offers users real-time access to trade data through features such as ACE Reports, ACE account management, and electronic communication with CBP and Partner Government Agencies (PGA). | CBP Trade PGA |
January 22, 2022 | ACE Portal Modernization Site |
Enhancement Name and Description | Impacted Users | Deployment Date | Additional Resources |
ACE Availability Dashboard The updated ACE Availability Dashboard provides users with real-time monitoring of the status and availability of Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) applications. | CBP Trade PGA |
October 28, 2021 | ACE Availability Dashboard CSMS |
ACE Collections - Release 4 This enhancement updates bill management workflow, including bill receivable creation, vendor interface for creation, and distribution of bills to Importers. This release will also move liquidation bills to ACE and improve the accuracy of Importer bills. This release includes testing, training, reports, and write-back of collections data to ACS. | CBP Trade |
October 16, 2021 | Release 4 Trade User Guide |
Tuna Proration Automation "Bot" This enhancement automates the manual process related to the annual splitting of prorated Tuna Opening Moment entries to provide accuracy and time savings resulting in better reallocation of personnel duties. | CBP | June 21, 2021 | - |
ACE Collections - Release 3 This capability consolidates importers’ deferred tax statements and group entries onto one statement. This release will provide additional electronic payment methods for trade users via the Automated Broker Interface (ABI) and includes the ability to view deferred tax bills in ACE Reports. | CBP Trade |
May 1, 2021 | Trade Information Notice - ACE Collections - Release 3 |
Non-ABI Filings on Cuban Goods with OFAC License This enhancement gives CBP users the ability to manually file entries in ACE Cargo Release with merchandise originating from Cuba and validate that a required OFAC license has been provided. | CBP | April 13, 2021 | - |
Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA) CBMA allows for reduced rates or credits on 92 tariff numbers under Chapter 22 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule. ACE will compute and validate tax amounts for CBMA claims, and users will be able to review these data elements in ACE Reports. | CBP Trade |
April 6, 2021 | Trade Information Notice - Craft Beverage Modernization Act (CBMA) |
USMCA - Drawback Changes This enhancement will further align Drawback processing with the USMCA’s requirements. | CBP | March 13, 2021 | - |
ACE Collections - Release 2 This functionality allows for the automated posting of financial transactions for CBP Office of Finance employees. | CBP | February 6, 2021 | - |
Real Time Automated Surety Interface (ASI) This enhancement provides additional, more detailed messages via the Bond Status (BS) message, including cargo release and entry summary information in real-time, to sureties and surety agents when a predefined event occurs. | CBP Trade |
January 9, 2021 | - |
Enhancement Name and Description | Impacted Users | Deployment Date | Additional Resources |
Broker Fee Automation: Triennial Status Report Part of the Revenue Modernization effort, this enhancement will automate the collection of broker fees. Deployed enhancements include the broker exam registration/fee and triennial status report/fee. | CBP Trade |
December 15, 2020 | CBP: Revenue Modernization |
Electronic Phytosanitary Certificate Integration in ACE (Secure Flows Initiative) Automates the paper process for phytosanitary certificates (ePhytos), better enabling CBP Agriculture Specialists to facilitate trade. | CBP Trade PGA |
September 26, 2020 | Trade Information Notice - Electronic Phytosanitary Certificate Integration in ACE (Secure Flows Initiative) |
Enhancements to APTL Workspace - ARM ITDS Provides enhancements to the APTL workspace within the ITDS to better communicate with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). | CBP PGA |
September 26, 2020 | |
Modernizing e214 Online Admission Process - Phase 2, Release 2 Provides improvements to better facilitate the Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) admission process and to eliminate older inefficient processes. | CBP Trade |
September 26, 2020 | Trade Information Notice - Modernizing e214 Online Admission Process - Phase 2, Release 2 |
Universal eCERT/ELVIS System developed to exchange data electronically with foreign countries. This electronic data is information normally associated with required export document. Enhancement allow for additional messaging capabilities with countries, added validations, and ease of onboarding new countries. | CBP | September 12, 2020 | - |
USMCA Recon Changes to Prevent MPF Refunds The U.S. - Mexico - Canada Agreement is a trilateral trade agreement between the three named countries. USMCA replaces the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). | CBP | August 1, 2020 | CBP: USMCA Webpage |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Message Set Implementation Implemented the ability to accept FWS PGA Message Set data from trade. | CBP Trade PGA |
July 6, 2020 | CSMS #42866592 |
USMCA HTS Database and SPI Table updates and New LPC Codes for TPL Certificates The U.S. - Mexico - Canada Agreement is a trilateral trade agreement between the three named countries. USMCA replaces the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). | CBP Trade |
July 1, 2020 | CBP: USMCA Webpage |
Mass Processing: Section 232 These updates enable CBP users to mass update entry summaries with the addition or removal of exclusions pertaining to the Section 232 Trade Remedy for Aluminum and Steel. | CBP | June 20, 2020 | - |
Post Summary Correction This enhancement enables CBP users to revert a PSC submission to the previous version, which will include an automatic notification to the trade filer following the revert action. | CBP | June 20, 2020 | - |
DocFile Location Transitioned the Docfile Location functionality to new ACE. | CBP | June 6, 2020 | - |
Enhancements to ACE Truck Manifest - Phase 1 Provides a modernized trade-facing truck manifest User Interface (UI), accessed through the ACE Secure Data Portal and streamlined functionalities that will improve user experience. | CBP Trade |
March 2, 2020 | Enhancements to ACE Truck Manifest - Phase 1 Webpage |
Mass Processing - Phase 2: Mass Updates Streamlines processing for CBP and includes enhancements to the functionality as well as provides a mass update capability for post release activity. | CBP | February 8, 2020 | - |
Mass Processing - Phase 3: Updating Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Provides the ability for CBP to retroactively process refunds for GSP programs. | CBP | February 8, 2020 | - |
Enhancement Name and Description | Impacted Users | Deployment Date | Additional Resources |
Broker Management Office (BMO) Functionality Streamlines the employee reporting process for brokers, enhances messaging to the field BMO, and automates the generation of licenses and permits in ACE. |
CBP Trade |
December 7, 2019 | Trade Information Notice - Broker Management Office (BMO) Functionality |
AD/CVD Redesign Enhances AD/CVD case management User Interface (UI). With the new functionality, search results will include company history and third country case information. |
CBP Trade PGA |
October 6, 2019 | Trade Information Notice - AD/CVD Redesign |
Section 321- Entry Type 86 Enables trade filers to transmit Section 321 shipment data via EDI and provides greater visibility into low value shipment data via ACE Reports |
CBP Trade PGA |
September 28, 2019 | Trade Information Notice - Section 321- Entry Type 86 |
ACE Collections - Release 1 This enhancement includes updates to collections focusing on the back-end processing of ACH Debit/credit transactions; impact to users was minimal in this phase. |
CBP Trade |
September 7, 2019 | Trade Information Notice - ACE Collections - Release 1 |
Broker Fee Automation Revenue Modernization project that impacts ACE and automates the collection of user fees including Broker Exam Application. |
CBP Trade |
August 3, 2019 | Customs Brokers Information Webpage |
Mass Processing - Phase 1: Enhancements to Mass Liquidation Mass liquidation in ACE was updated with new selections and features to continue to make the capability easier to use and to support streamlined processing. |
CBP | July 27, 2019 | - |
Manifest Data Element Updates This enhancement adds phone numbers and email address as option data elements on the manifest for all modes. |
CBP | July 2019 | - |
Consolidated Express Filings Allows for the consolidation of informal entry summaries to be processes in the express consignment environment. |
CBP Trade |
June 15, 2019 | Trade Information Notice - Consolidated Express Filings |
Modernizing e214 Online Admission Process - Release 1 This enhancement supports the redesign of the Electronic CBP Form 214 (e214) in ACE. |
CBP Trade |
May 11, 2019 | - |
Transition of Importer Trade Activity (ITRAC) Data to ACE Reports Provides the trade with quicker, on-demand access to their data. |
CBP Trade |
April 18, 2019 | Trade Information Notice - Transition of Importer Trade Activity (ITRAC) Data to ACE Reports |
Updated Generalized System of Preference (GSP) Addresses mandatory updates related to the renewal of the GSP program. |
CBP Trade |
March 16, 2019 | Generalized System of Preferences Webpage |
Unique Identifiers for Centers of Excellence and Expertise (Centers) Creates a unique identifier to be added to all post release workflow in ACE |
CBP Trade |
March 16, 2019 | Centers of Excellence and Expertise Information Webpage |
Automate CBP Form 5106 This enhancement automates and modernizes CBPF 5106 input process via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and the ACE Secure Data Portal. |
CBP Trade |
March 16, 2019 | Trade Information Notice - Automate CBP Form 5106 |
Enhancement Name and Description | Impacted Users | Deployment Date | Additional Resources |
Automated Export System (AES) User Interface (UI) Updates This deployment provides updates to the AES UI to improve usability. |
CBP | August 18, 2018 | - |
Court of International Trade This enhancement brought ACE into compliance with new requirements for submitting supporting documents for denied protest cases. |
CBP Trade |
April 2018 | Court of International Trade Webpage |
Coffee Imported into Puerto Rico Deployment of new class code in ACE for coffee imported into Puerto Rico (19 USC 1319). |
CBP Trade |
April 28, 2018 | Coffee Imported into Puerto Rico Webpage |
Deployment G, Release 4 Mandatory transition of Core and TFTEA Drawback, Reconciliation, Liquidation and Automated Surety Interface (ASI) to ACE. |
CBP Trade |
February 24, 2018 | - |
Deployment G, Release 3B Mandatory transition of statements to ACE. |
CBP Trade |
January 6, 2018 | - |
Enhancement Name and Description | Impacted Users | Deployment Date | Additional Resources |
Deployment G, Release 3A This enhancement includes updates to e214 (electronic Foreign Trade Zone admission), Manufacturer ID (MID) Creation, and availability in ACE Production environment of the new ACE Statement Reports REV-101, REV-102, REV-103 and REV-104. |
CBP Trade |
December 9, 2017 | ACE Deployment G, Release 3A Information Notice Webpage |
Entry Summary Universe This capability contains a standardized data set for all entry summaries filed in both ACS and ACE, with the exception of type 09 “reconciliation” and type 41-46 “drawback” entry summaries. |
CBP | October 2017 | - |
Deployment G, Release 2 Non-ABI Entry Summary/Lineless (for CBP only), Duty Deferral, e214, Manufacturer ID Creation and Importer Security Filing (ISF). With this deployment, these capabilities will no longer be filed/processed in the Automated Commercial System (ACS) and must be done via ACE. |
CBP Trade |
September 16, 2017 | ACE Deployment G, Release 2 Information Notice Webpage |
Additional Capabilities to ACE Cargo Release that Update Non-ABI User Interface The updated UI replaces the single page of required fields with tabs that house topical information (Header Info, Header Ref, Parties, Line Info, Bill of Lading). |
CBP Trade |
April 27, 2017 | - |
Drawback, Duty Deferral, Reconciliation, Liquidation, Collections, and Statements in ACE With this transition, transactions supporting these capabilities must be filed in ACE and will no longer be accepted in ACS. |
CBP | January 14, 2017 | - |