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  3. Implementation and Expiration Dates, Selected FTAs and Preferential Trade Legislation

Implementation and Expiration Dates, Selected FTAs and Preferential Trade Legislation

Current Free Trade Agreements
Implementation Date
Expiration Date
Israel 09/01/1985 None
Jordan QIZ 11/21/1996 None
Egypt QIZ 12/29/2004 None
NAFTA 01/01/1994 06/30/2020
Jordan 12/17/2001 None
Chile 01/01/2004 None
Singapore 01/01/2004 None
Australia 01/01/2005 None
Morocco 01/01/2006 None
CAFTA-DR - El Salvador 03/01/2006 None
CAFTA-DR - Nicaragua 04/01/2006 None
CAFTA-DR - Honduras 04/01/2006 None
CAFTA-DR - Guatemala 07/01/2006 None
CAFTA-DR - Dominican Republic 03/01/2007 None
CAFTA-DR - Costa Rica 01/01/2009 None
Bahrain 08/01/2006 None
Oman 01/01/2009 None
Peru 02/01/2009 None
Korea 03/15/2012 None
Colombia 05/15/2012 None
Panama 10/31/2012 None
USMCA 07/01/2020 None
Current Trade Agreements
Implementation Date
Expiration Date
Current Preferential Legislation [1]
Implementation Date
Expiration Date
GSP 01/01/1976 12/31/2020
ATPA 09/25/1998 07/31/2013
ATPDEA 10/07/2006 07/31/2013
CBERA 01/01/1984 None
CBTPA 10/05/2000 09/30/2030
AGOA 10/05/2000
Last Modified: Mar 04, 2024

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