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  5. QB 23-401 2023 Cotton Note 5

QB 23-401 2023 Cotton Note 5


Cotton provided for in Chapter 52, Additional U.S. Note 5, Harmonized Tariff Schedule.

Quota Period:

September 20, 2023 through September 19, 2024.  

Opening Date:

Wednesday, September 20, 2023  

Restraint Level:  

Aggregate 20,207,050 kilograms  

Minimum Access Levels:  

Of the quantitative limitations provided for in Additional U.S. Note 5, countries listed below shall have access to NOT LESS than the quantities specified:  

Minimum Access Levels:
Country Quantity in KG
Argentina   2,360 
Brazil    280,648
British East Africa    1,016
British West Africa  (Except Nigeria and Ghana)  7,259
(Except Barbados, Bermuda, Jamaica, Trinidad, Tobago)  9,671
China   621,780 
Colombia 56
Ecuador  4,233
Egypt & Sudan (Aggregate) 355,532 
Haiti  107
Honduras  341
India & Pakistan (Aggregate)   908,764
Indonesia & Netherlands New Guinea (Aggregate) 32,381
Iraq 88
Nigeria 2,438
Paraguay 395
Peru 112,469
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan (Aggregate)   215,512

Quota class merchandise imported from countries with minimum access levels will be charged against the minimum access level granted for that country. Once the minimum access is reached, subsequent imports will be charged against the “Any Country/Area” level.  

Restraint Level (Non-Minimum Access):  

Any Country/Area              17,652,000 Kilograms  

HTS Numbers
Low Rate High Rate
5201.00.1400   5201.00.1800   

Reporting  Instructions: 

Use entry type code 02, 07, 12, 23, 32, 38 or 52.  

Merchandise presented at the opening shall be reported and released via the ACE quota module.

Report in Kilograms

Special Instructions:  

Other than as provided for in the country allocations above, articles the product of countries or areas who are not members of the World Trade Organization shall not be permitted or included in the quantitative limitations set forth in this note.  

Please refer to chapter 99, subchapter IV, U.S. note 1 for the list of countries that are not subject to additional agricultural safeguard duties under heading 9904.   

Questions from the importing community regarding this electronic message should be referred to the local CBP port. The port may refer their questions through email to  

Last Modified: Aug 25, 2023

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