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  5. QB 20-311 2021 Specialty Sugar Period 2 Results

QB 20-311 2021 Specialty Sugar Period 2 Results




Specialty Sugar                                                                                                     

The tariff rate quota for Specialty Sugar Period 2 opened on Thursday, October 8, 2020

and over-subscribed at opening moment.  The prorata percentage of 33.19446% or .3319446

was calculated via ACE, a UC message was generated detailing the prorated quantity per entry.



Entries or withdrawals for consumption for specialty sugar presented after the opening moment period were not included in formulating the prorated or reserved percentage. 

Entry summaries (ES) that qualify for opening moment are rejected and sent UC messages indicating the prorated (reserved) amounts.  The reserved amounts must be retransmitted in five days through ACE.

Please review the following details:

Transfer Allotment requests must be approved by Quota and Agriculture Branch (QAB).  Please provide an excel file only in the format below, files submitted differently, will immediately be returned for correction.

File Format
Port NumberEntry NumberLine NumberQuantity PresentedQuantity to be Taken

* No spaces or dashes

*Keep in original submitted order*Use Whole numbers and NO unit of measure*Use Zero if quota is to be canceled


Remember entries are processed in the receipt order.  The transfer allotment total requested quantity may be equal to or less than the prorated total quantity.

When retransmitting an entry summary, the line order should remain as originally submitted.  Additional lines may be added after the original line, for any non-prorated amount entered at the high rate of duty, do not change the original line order or mix and match amounts differently than what was prorated without approval for an allotment transfer.  Any line adjustments processed without QAB’s approval, may result in a loss of some or all of an importers quota reservation. 

When the entry summary rejects in ACE, it will come off the statement in ACS and revert to single pay if the final statement has not run.  It can be added back via an ACS HP transmission, or filers may do single pay.  If final statement has run, they will need to pay the original statement, and a refund/bill will need to be processed accordingly.

On retransmit of the entry summary, the payment type indicator should be left blank, if in CBP Control.

For warehouse withdrawals, an updated entry summary with prorated amounts should be submitted.  If cargo was involved, and it is still on hold pending a decision on how to handle the excess over proration, a separate warehouse entry can be made, or the excess can be entered at the high rate.  The entry and entry summary transmissions must match.

A corrected replacement prorated quota entry, will not cause an FDA reject for Prior Notice already on file.

Entries will remain in Trade control for a longer period, this allows more time for filers to make adjustments.  If the summary is still in Trade control, the filer can delete the summary, by submitting an AE with a D action code.

The filer/importer has five business days from the date of authorized release to re-transmit the data. The five business day window expires on October 16, 2020 at 4:30 pm local time.

Questions regarding this message should be referred to HQ Quota at

Last Modified: Oct 09, 2020

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