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Defense Contract Management Agency

The Defense Contract Management Agency is the Department of Defense (DoD) component that works directly with defense suppliers to help ensure that DoD federal and allied government supplies and services are delivered on time within the U.S. Customs territory.

Processing Defense Contract Management Agency Entry Summaries

U.S. Customs and Border Protection processes importations via the Automated Commercial Environment for which a claim for duty free status is made under Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States duty subheading 9808.00.30 (hereinafter referred to as the Defense Contract Management Agency [DCMA]). 

DCMA entries allow for the duty free treatment for articles for military departments when the materials are certified to the Commissioner of Customs.  Recordkeeping requirements described in 19 CFR parts 111 and 163 remain in effect. The importer continues to be required to maintain a full record of complete information relating to DCMA entries for 5 years from the date that the DCMA articles entered U.S. Customs territory; and provide such records within its custody or control to CBP, upon request.

For more information on Processing DCMA Entry Summaries, please see in the new ACE Entry Summary Business Rules and Process Document.

CSMS # 54755941 - INFORMATION: Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) Duty Free Entry (DFE) eTool System Decommissioned and Replaced with Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Platform.

Last Modified: Jan 18, 2023

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