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Policies, Procedures and Directives

CBP has numerous policies, procedures, and directives. Please search for the document using titles or keywords.

To search FOIA Reading Room documents visit the FOIA Reading Room page.

Title Sort descending Abstract File Download Document Post Date Last Modified Date
2013-031_Roles and Responsibilities of U.S. Customs and Border Protection Offices and Personnel Regarding Provision of Language Access This directive defines the roles and responsibilities of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) personnel in providing limited English proficient (LEP) persons with meaningful access to the agency’s programs and activities. CBP has long recognized the importance of effective and accurate communication between CBP personnel and the public CBP serves. Language barriers can negatively impact...
2310-006A Exclusion Orders
2310-008A Trademark and Tradename Protection
2310-010A Detention and Seizure Authority for Copyright and Trademark Violations
3120-002A Financial Responsibility: Foreign Domiciled Carriers
3220-004 Manifesting of International Mail by Air Carriers
3230-037b Quota-Class Merchandise: Processing and Reporting
3230-039A Quota and Temporary Importation Under Bond (TIB)
3230-040A Quota and Electronic Payments (ACH)
3230-044 Quota and Duty Refund Requests: TPLs/TRQs
3240-034A In-Bond Time Limits for Exportation
3240-036A In-bond Processing and Customs Form 7512, CD 3240-036A
3250-007B Agricultural Marketing Service Importation Inspection Requirements
3260-037A Policy to Combat Losses and Insure Prompt Delivery of Carted and Lightered Goods
3270-007 Centralized Examination Stations (CES's)
Last Modified: Nov 12, 2024