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Military and Veteran Leave

Military Leave  

CBP is committed to supporting the military and their families. Military leave is absence from duty from the employee’s civilian position without loss of pay (including pay for regularly scheduled overtime) to perform military duty.  Employees who are a member of an Armed Forces Reserve component are entitled to:

  • 15 calendar days (120 hours) of military leave per fiscal year for active duty, active duty training inactive duty training, and funeral honors duty; 
  • 22 workdays (176 hours) of Emergency Military Leave per calendar year for emergency duty as ordered by the President or a state governor; 
  • 44 workdays (352 hours) of military leave per calendar year to Reserve or National Guard technicians for certain overseas duties; and
  • 5 days of excused absence per 12-month period when called to active duty to support overseas contingency operations for at least 42 consecutive days.

Complete details and frequently asked questions regarding military related leave issues can be found on OPM's website.

Disabled Veteran Leave  

Under the Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act of 2015 (Public Law 114-75, November 5, 2015), an employee hired on or after November 5, 2016, who is a veteran with a service-connected disability rating of 30 percent or more from the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) of the Department of Veterans Affairs is entitled to up to 104 hours of disabled veteran leave for the purposes of undergoing medical treatment for such disability and must be used for the purposes sick leave would regularly be used.  

DVL is a one-time benefit with a single, continuous 12-month eligibility period. Any unused leave will be forfeited at the end of the 12-month eligibility period with no opportunity to carry over the leave into subsequent years.  An employee may not receive a lump-sum payment for any unused or forfeited leave under any circumstance. For complete details about disabled veteran leave entitlement, see the Disabled Veteran Leave Fact Sheet on OPM’s website.

Last Modified: Dec 07, 2022
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